This could refer to many things.a church door, the gates of hell, the casket front, or just a door that he sees thats red and he don't want to see colors. "i see a red door and i want it painted black" mabey he plans to end his own life to be with her. He feels he will see his love again, either by dreaming, spirit, or when he dies, they will be united again.

"if i look hard enough into the setting sun, my love will laugh with me before the morning comes" also the pain is so bad he does not wish it on anyone else to have to go through pain that bad. The death was unexpected, sudden and tragic. "i could not foresee this thing happening to you" His feelings are dark because hes depressed, he sees everything as black. "i look inside myself and see my heart is black" This refers to the flowers put on the casket or at the grave site/or because flowers are colorful, and he sees everything as black, and that the flowers will die like his love did,"never to come back".

"with flowers and my love both never to come back" and also refers to a hearse.(the vehicle which carries the casket containing a dead body to the grave site/funeral. This refers to a line of cars that are black, either limos for the family and or friends at the funeral, or they're not black in real life, he just sees them as black because hes depressed. "i see a line of cars and they're all painted black" (love referring to a girl)the artist is singing about everything turning black because hes depressed and sees everything as black. This song is written from the perspective of a man thats depressed because his "love" died.